You may find you have a need to use some specialist equipment to help you bowl. Listed below are some of the more obvious ones starting with the bowls wheelchairs currently available in the UK
PLEASE NOTE – The mobility equipment that is available to bowlers in the UK is changing all the time. The BWBA does it’s best to keep this Equipment Page up to date but you should check with the manufacturers yourself to confirm what they have available.

The Buggy is currently not being produced – updates will follow as we get news.
For more information:
Bowls Royce Bowls Wheelchair
Developed by Bush Hill Bowls in conjunction with disability sports engineering charity ReMap.
ReMap have in the past added motors to bowls wheelchairs as well as working with Bush Hill Bowls. Please contact ReMap direct about this. Bush Hill Bowls also offer a range of mobility equipment for bowlers. This link to their website might help.
Other things you may want to consider are:-
Guiseley Mobility who can add a power unit to some bowls wheelchairs, but you should check with them first. There is more information at
Guiseley Mobility
Other equipment may help bowlers who need to use a bowls wheelchair but are not exclusively wheelchair related such as bowls launchers; walking frames on wheels; bowls lifters; walking sticks and wide rubber ferrules for walking sticks – there’s lots available depending upon your particular requirements.