The ranking system (RS) is part of a formal monitoring system for all BWBA members who wish to enter into it. It is to be an aid to the selection of representative teams but will not determine selection. It is acknowledged that the adoption of a formal ranking system forms part of the modernising of the BWBA and is required to help support any case for reintroduction of bowls to the Paralympics.
1. Points should apply only to training weekends, BWSF Nationals, Individual’s Club Competitions and BWBA recognised events (see below, Points 5, 8 & 9).
2. Ladies and Men should appear on the same RS but for Tetras see point 3 below.
3. Tetras should have their own RS as they are a separate I.P.C. Category. It is recognised that opportunities to play in competitions is more restricted so for the time being Tetra points will be allocated based on performance at BWSF nationals and at the Home Countries event and other recognised events.
4. Points Structure:
a. In singles 3 points for entering and attending a competition and 10 points for winning a singles match. This applies to
knockout or round robin matches.
b. Double these points to be awarded for the BWSF Nationals and the BWBA Matchplay
c. 10 points awarded for attending a BWBA training weekend.
d. Points apply to singles competitions only.
5. The agreed list of BWBA approved events will be determined by point 1 and point 8 but will be subject to point 6.
6. A BWBA ranking sub-committee will administer the system and will consist of BWBA chairman or vice-chairman, GB Coach, GB Asst-Coach and Representative from the BWBA membership (A volunteer will be called for and a simple majority vote at the next relevant training weekend will take place if there is more than one candidate). Any areas of issue to be referred to main BWBA committee for final ruling. The Ranking sub-committee to meet at each training weekend. Ultimately, the BWBA Executive is responsible for the operation of this RS.
7. GB coach and Assistant Coach will collect/collate ranking points at Training Weekends and at BWSF Nationals For BWBA approved events members will have to submit applications for points in writing. Members must use the form agreed by the BWBA, but the BWBA reserves the right to seek further information on any particular results if deemed necessary.
8. Except for the final stages of the BWSF National Games the minimum entry numbers for each singles competition is 16.
9. In each game the permitted minimums to qualify for ranking points should be 1 1/2 hours in a timed event, 21 shots in a non-timed singles. In a ‘setted’ match the minimum will be the best of 2 sets. However, the main BWBA committee has the discretion to vary these criteria where a competition is deemed of sufficient quality. For example, ‘3-2-1’ type competitions do not count towards the RS.
10. The Ranking System will run on a 4-year cycle. Points will be scored as follows:-
i. This year points score 100% of their value.
ii. Last year points score 3/4 their original value.
iii. Points scored 3 years ago score 1/2 their original value.
iv. Points scored 4 years ago score 1/4 their original value.
v. Points scored 5 years ago have no value.
For example this ranking year will be year one, last year is year two and so on to year four; years one to four are those that count to the RS.
11. In its first year the system will be reviewed at least 3 times with a progress report being presented to full BWBA Executive.In its subsequent years it must be reviewed at least annually with a report being submitted to full committee.
12. The ‘Ranking System Year’ will run 1st October to 30th September but the system will be updated as scores are sanctioned and received and the results will be published with the positions @ 1st Oct, @1st Jan, @1st April and @ 1st July. (System to start 1st Oct 2001).
13. In order to give all members equal opportunity their best 6 results in any one ‘Ranking System Year’ (point 12) will be used to calculate their points on the RS.
[Updated 11.08]